目前分類:琴音 (4)

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  • Mar 10 Sat 2007 20:16
  • If


Bread - If

If a picture paints a thousand words,
Then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show the you I've come to know.

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May 9,2006
弦子 - 醉清風

張惠妹 - 永遠的畫面

July 21,2006

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April 28,2006
Gringoire - Le Temps des Catherales 大教堂時代

Esmeralda & Fleur-de-Lys - Beau comme le soleil 君似驕陽

July 6,2006

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November 12,2005
Ayumi Hamasaki - Moments剎那

孫燕姿 & 倉木麻衣 - Tonight,I feel close to you

July 21,2006

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